John Handyside
23 Feb 2024
See John for more information and to volunteer
No not the dolls, or the Movie, but Hasler race Barbie time
Having been declared the top Hasler Burger providers for the past two years, we need to make it a Hat Trick of successes.
So, we are looking for help on the Hasler race day, Sunday April 21st
We need BBQ Chefs, of all abilities, training can be arranged! Also bacon and sausage cob providers in the morning, along with any other specialities that you can produce and will go down well with the Paddling community
Donations of cakes, cookies, etc also gratefully received. Various roles are available, not just the cooking.
Last year we made over £1000 from sales at the event, so a very important source of income to us.
More information from John Handyside johnwhandyside@gmail.com
Any suggestions gratefully received.
Looking forward to the rush of applications
Many thanks