River Levels & Safety
NKC 'Rule of Thumb'
The River Trent is, most of the time, 'sheltered' water providing a safe and reliable environment for kayaking and canoeing. However rain, wind and cold weather can result in challenging conditions. The club recommends always paddling in groups. Inexperienced paddlers must be with a coach or very experienced volunteer who is aware of all the safety issues.
This table is a useful quick guide to likely river conditions based on levels at the club.
Another accurate indicator is the gauge at Clifton Bridge (link here). Rapid increase in levels will suggest fast flowing water. Any level over 2m will result in fast flowing water with some boils. and should be treated with caution

NKC and other water users
Powered Craft: Although unpowered craft have right of way with no restrictions on direction or speed, don't assume that powered craft will observe this. Stay clear of powered craft, don't take risks and remember that is is easier for paddlers to stop or change direction than almost any other craft on the water (with the exception of K4s).
Rowers find manoeuvring much harder than paddlers. The current on water agreements we have with the local rowing clubs are:
In the dark we must show a flashing red light facing forward and a steady red light facing backwards. This light MUST be visible from a reasonable distance.
At all times, when paddling downstream, approaching the Suspension Bridge in particular, we must be to the right of any approaching rowers, so be to the right of the middle of the river.
Take great care when
Approaching the Suspension Bridge (paddling downstream)
The Toll Bridge to Wilford Church (paddling upstream)
Lady Bay Bridge (paddling upstream)