Sprint Canoeing
Three distances: Canoe Sprint is held on calm water over three distances: 200m, 500m and 1000m. The winning boat is the first to cross the finish line.
Different boat types: There are two boat types, Kayaks (K) and Canoes (C). In a Kayak, the paddler is seated and uses a two-blade paddle. In a Canoe, the paddler is kneeling on one knee, and uses a single-blade paddle.
Different disciplines: The boat categories are indicated by the type of boat and number of paddlers in the boat. There are Kayak events in single (K1), double (K2) and quadruple (K4) and Canoe events in single (C1), double (C2) and quadruple (C4).
For men and women: Traditionally Canoe has been exclusively for Men but there is a growing Women’s contingent particularly in Women’s C1 and C2.
Unlike marathon racing, sprint racing is not for beginners although there are an increasing number of regional and local sprint events across the country that welcome beginners. A minimum standard, based upon the time to cover the specific distance is required to enter the races. Canoeists have normally paddled for a least a year before reaching this standard. Having reached the minimum standard canoeists are categorised by a variety of age and gender groupings, such as Men, Women, Boys (under 18) and Girls (under 18), and within each category a ranking of A, B, C or D, with D being the slowest. Progression through the ranks is based on time.
Nottingham Kayak Club is one of the most successful racing race clubs in the country. A variety of organised and peer led training groups operate all year round. The club always has several members racing at the five national regattas held each year.
There are rarely less than 2 race training groups a day operating from the club. Training groups, especially in the faster divisions often have personalised programmes however a weekly generic programme including sessions for club members ranked Division 1 - 9 is available on the Training Page.
Website for Sprint Racing UK
Race Results
Results from all UK races